Pricing options
Prices are displayed in US dollars but UK average conversion rate is shown further down the page.
$24.99 / month
Monthly membership
$249.00 / year
Annual membership
Why join The Baker Squad?
Let our members tell you!
Is this you?
The Squad is for you if...
you want to learn how to make more money in your baking business
you are looking for support and guidance from an experienced mentor
you want access to training and resources that can help you grow your business
you need a community for support and encouragement
you want to get specific help to direct you on the next steps for your business
It's time to rise!
I'm ready to make money moves!
The Money Moves Start Now!
Most baking business owners are working at a loss and they have no idea for the most part. I was doing the exact same thing for over 10 years and this is why I created The Baker Squad!
Learn how to price your cakes for profit
Learn how to create an Instagram page that attracts potential clients
Learn how to convert those prospects into paying clients
Learn how to create multiple income streams